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Index of physics articles (R) : ウィキペディア英語版
Index of physics articles (R)
The index of physics articles is split into multiple pages due to its size.
To navigate by individual letter use the table of contents below.

*R-factor (crystallography)
*R. A. Stradling
*R. Orin Cornett
*R. S. Krishnan
*R. Stanley Williams
*R. Stephen Berry
*R1 (nuclear reactor)
*R4 nuclear reactor
*RA-1 Enrico Fermi
*RC time constant
*RF antenna ion source
*RKKY interaction
*RNS formalism
*RRKM theory
*RT (energy)
*RX J0806.3+1527
*R (cross section ratio)
*RaLa Experiment
*Rabbit (nuclear engineering)
*Rabi cycle
*Rabi frequency
*Rabi problem
*Radial distribution function
*Radial motion
*Radial polarization
*Radial velocity
*Radian per second
*Radian per second squared
*Radiant barrier
*Radiant energy
*Radiant flux
*Radiant intensity
*Radiation-dominated era
*Radiation chemistry
*Radiation damping
*Radiation flux
*Radiation hormesis
*Radiation impedance
*Radiation implosion
*Radiation intelligence
*Radiation length
*Radiation material science
*Radiation monitoring
*Radiation of sound
*Radiation pressure
*Radiation protection
*Radiation scattering
*Radiation stress
*Radiation trapping
*Radiational cooling
*Radiative cooling
*Radiative equilibrium
*Radiative heat transfer
*Radiative process
*Radiative transfer
*Radio-frequency induction
*Radio-frequency quadrupole
*Radio Ice Cerenkov Experiment
*Radio astronomy
*Radio frequency
*Radio galaxy
*Radio noise source
*Radio occultation
*Radio spectrum pollution
*Radio waves
*Radio window
*Radioactive Ion Beam Optimization
*Radioactive Substances Act 1993
*Radioactive decay
*Radioactive displacement law of Fajans and Soddy
*Radioactive waste
*Radioanalytical chemistry
*Radiogenic nuclide
*Radiographic equipment
*Radioisotope piezoelectric generator
*Radioisotope thermoelectric generator
*Radiometric dating
*Radion (physics)
*Radiosity (heat transfer)
*Radium and radon in the environment
*Radius of curvature (optics)
*Radius of gyration
*Rafael Bruschweiler
*Rafael Ghazaryan
*Rafael Sorkin
*Rahul Mahajan (blogger)
*Rainbow hologram
*Rainer Blatt
*Raja Ramanna
*Rajaram Nityananda
*Rajesh Gopakumar
*Rajnath Singh
*Ralph A. Sawyer
*Ralph Asher Alpher
*Ralph H. Fowler
*Ralph Kronig
*Ralph Lapp
*Ralph Pudritz
*Ralph von Frese
*Ram pressure
*Rama Bansil
*Ramamurti Shankar
*Raman Prinja
*Raman Sundrum
*Raman laser
*Raman microscope
*Raman scattering
*Ramanuja Vijayaraghavan
*Rammal Rammal
*Ramond sector
*Ramond–Ramond field
*Ramsauer–Townsend effect
*Randall J. LeVeque
*Randall–Sundrum model
*Random close pack
*Random energy model
*Random laser
*Random matrix
*Random phase approximation
*Range (particle radiation)
*Rankine cycle
*Rankine vortex
*Rankine–Hugoniot conditions
*Raoul Franklin
*Raoul Pictet
*Raoult's law
*Raphael Tsu
*Rapid phase transition
*Rapid single flux quantum
*Rare-earth magnet
*Rare Earth hypothesis
*Rare Isotope Accelerator
*Rare Symmetry Violating Processes
*Rarita-Schwinger action
*Rarita–Schwinger equation
*Rashba effect
*Rashid Sunyaev
*Rate of heat flow
*Rate sensor
*Rational conformal field theory
*Raul Rabadan
*Ravi Grover
*Ray (optics)
*Ray Kidder
*Ray Mackintosh
*Ray Streater
*Ray tracing (physics)
*Ray transfer matrix analysis
*Raychaudhuri equation
*Rayleigh distance
*Rayleigh flow
*Rayleigh law
*Rayleigh number
*Rayleigh scattering
*Rayleigh–Bénard convection
*Rayleigh–Jeans law
*Rayleigh–Plesset equation
*Rayleigh–Taylor instability
*Raymond Chiao
*Raymond Davis, Jr.
*Raymond Gosling
*Raymond Herb
*Raymond Hide
*Raymond Jeanloz
*Raymond L. Orbach
*Raymond Seeger
*Raymond Thayer Birge
*Raynor Johnson
*Raziuddin Siddiqui
*Reaction (physics)
*Reaction coordinate
*Reaction field method
*Reactionless drive
*Reaction–diffusion–advection equation
*Reactive centrifugal force
*Reactor-grade plutonium
*Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation
*Reactor building
*Reactor protection system
*Reactor vessel
*Real-is-positive convention
*Real-time Neutron Monitor Database
*Real gas
*Real neutral particle
*Rear flank downdraft
*Reber Radio Telescope
*Received noise power
*Receiver (modulated ultrasound)
*Reciprocal lattice
*Reciprocal space
*Reciprocating oscillation
*Reciprocity (electromagnetism)
*Recoil temperature
*Recombination (cosmology)
*Rectangular potential barrier
*Rectilinear lens
*Rectilinear propagation
*Recurrence plot
*Recurrence quantification analysis
*Red adaptation goggles
*Red clump
*Red dwarf
*Redlich–Kwong equation of state
*Redshift quantization
*Redshift survey
*Reduced mass
*Reduced moderation water reactor
*Reduced pressure
*Reduced properties
*Reduced temperature
*Reduction criterion
*Reed Research Reactor
*Reeh–Schlieder theorem
*Reentrant superconductivity
*Reference beam
*Reference noise
*Reference surface
*Reflection (physics)
*Reflection coefficient
*Reflection high-energy electron diffraction
*Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire
*Reflectometric interference spectroscopy
*Refractive index
*Refractive index contrast
*Refractive indices
*Refrigeration plant
*Regenerative amplification
*Regenerative fuel cell
*Regge calculus
*Regge theory
*Reginald Victor Jones
*Regnier de Graaf
*Regularization (physics)
*Reimar Lüst
*Reiner Kruecken
*Reinhard Meinel
*Reinhard Oehme
*Reinhold Bertlmann
*Reinhold Ewald
*Reinhold Mannkopff
*Reissner–Nordström metric
*Relation between Schrödinger's equation and the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics
*Relational quantum mechanics
*Relational theory
*Relationship between string theory and quantum field theory
*Relative angular momentum
*Relative density
*Relative humidity
*Relative intensity noise
*Relative locality
*Relative permeability
*Relative permittivity
*Relative pressure
*Relative velocity
*Relative viscosity
*Relative wind
*Relativistic Breit–Wigner distribution
*Relativistic Doppler effect
*Relativistic Euler equations
*Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
*Relativistic aberration
*Relativistic beaming
*Relativistic dynamics
*Relativistic electromagnetism
*Relativistic electron beam
*Relativistic heat conduction
*Relativistic jet
*Relativistic kill vehicle
*Relativistic mechanics
*Relativistic nuclear collisions
*Relativistic particle
*Relativistic plasma
*Relativistic quantum chemistry
*Relativistic similarity parameter
*Relativistic speed
*Relativistic wave equations
*Relativity: The Special and General Theory
*Relativity of simultaneity
*Relativity priority dispute
*Relaxation (NMR)
*Relaxation (physics)
*Relaxation length
*Relaxed stability
*Relic particles
*Religious views of Albert Einstein
*Remission (spectroscopy)
*Remo Ruffini
*Remote plasma
*Remote sensing
*Renata Kallosh
*Renate Loll
*Renewable energy
*Renewable energy debate
*Renninger negative-result experiment
*Renormalization group
*Replica trick
*Reports on Progress in Physics
*Representation theory of the Galilean group
*Representation theory of the Poincaré group
*Reprocessed uranium
*Reptation Monte Carlo
*Research Letters in Physics
*Research reactor
*Residual chemical shift anisotropy
*Residual entropy
*Residual flux density
*Residual gas analyzer
*Residual property (physics)
*Residual strength
*Residual stress
*Resistance distance
*Resistance force
*Resistive skin time
*Resolved sideband cooling
*Resonance (particle)
*Resonance (particle physics)
*Resonance chamber
*Resonance disaster
*Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
*Resonant magnetic perturbations
*Resonating valence bond theory
*Response reactions
*Rest (physics)
*Rest energy
*Rest frame
*Restoring force
*Restricted open-shell Hartree–Fock
*Resultant tone
*Retarded position
*Retarded potential
*Retarded time
*Retreating blade stall
*Retrograde condensation
*Retrogression heat treatment
*Revaz Dogonadze
*Reverberation chamber
*Reverberation room
*Reverse diffusion
*Reverse leakage current
*Reverse phase velocity
*Reverse phasevelocity
*Reversed field pinch
*Reversible dynamics
*Reversible process (thermodynamics)
*Reversible reference system propagation algorithm
*Reversing thermometer
*Review of Scientific Instruments
*Reviews of Geophysics
*Reviews of Geophysics and Space physics
*Reviews of Modern Physics
*Reviews of geophysics
*Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations
*Reynolds decomposition
*Reynolds number
*Reynolds operator
*Reynolds stress
*Reynolds transport theorem
*Reza Mansouri
*Rheoscopic fluid
*Rho meson
*Rhombohedral lattice system
*Riabouchinsky solid
*Riazuddin (physicist)
*Riccardo Giacconi
*Ricci calculus
*Ricci curvature
*Ricci decomposition
*Richard A. Muller
*Richard Arnowitt
*Richard Becker
*Richard Beeching, Baron Beeching
*Richard Bolt
*Richard C. Lord
*Richard C. Powell
*Richard C. Tolman
*Richard Christopher Carrington
*Richard Clegg
*Richard D. Gill
*Richard D. James (scientist)
*Richard D. Leapman
*Richard Dalitz
*Richard Davisson
*Richard Dixon Oldham
*Richard Duffin
*Richard E. Berendzen
*Richard E. Hayden
*Richard E. Taylor
*Richard Ellis (astronomer)
*Richard Epp (physicist)
*Richard Ernest Kronauer
*Richard F. Post
*Richard Feynman
*Richard Franklin Humphreys
*Richard Friend
*Richard G. Compton
*Richard Gans
*Richard Garwin
*Richard Gill (physicist)
*Richard Glazebrook
*Richard H. Price
*Richard Hammond (physicist)
*Richard J. Gambino
*Richard K. Yamamoto
*Richard Keith Ellis
*Richard L. Abrams
*Richard Liboff
*Richard Lindzen
*Richard M. Weiner
*Richard Makinson
*Richard Massey
*Richard Mollier
*Richard P.A.C. Newman
*Richard P. Turco
*Richard Schoen
*Richard Scott Perkin
*Richard Sears McCulloh
*Richard Sillitto
*Richard T. Whitcomb
*Richard Threlkeld Cox
*Richard W. Ziolkowski
*Richard Wolfson (physicist)
*Richard von Mises
*Richards equation
*Richardson number
*Richtmyer–Meshkov instability
*Ricky J Sethi
*Ridge lift
*Ridged mirror
*Ridley–Watkins–Hilsum theory
*Riemann curvature tensor
*Riemann solver
*Riemann tensor (general relativity)
*Riemannian Penrose inequality
*Riemann–Silberstein vector
*Rietdijk–Putnam argument
*Rietveld refinement
*Right-hand rule
*Right hand grip rule
*Rigid-body kinematics
*Rigid body
*Rigid body dynamics
*Rigid rotor
*Rijke tube
*Rindler coordinates
*Ring-imaging Cherenkov detector
*Ring current
*Ring laser
*Ring laser gyroscope
*Ring singularity
*Ring wave guide
*Rip current
*Ripple (electrical)
*Rise over thermal
*Rishon model
*Ritz method
*Rivista del Nuovo Cimento
*Roald Sagdeev
*Rob Adam
*Robbert Dijkgraaf
*Robert A. Woodruff
*Robert Adair (physicist)
*Robert Alfano
*Robert Andrews Millikan
*Robert Arns
*Robert Aymar
*Robert Ayres (scientist)
*Robert B. Laughlin
*Robert B. Leighton
*Robert Bacher
*Robert Bindschadler
*Robert Blinc
*Robert Boyle
*Robert Brout
*Robert Bruce Lindsay
*Robert C. Duncan (astrophysicist)
*Robert C. Dynes
*Robert Coleman Richardson
*Robert Corey
*Robert Cornog
*Robert D. Maurer
*Robert D. Richtmyer
*Robert Delbourgo
*Robert Dunkin
*Robert Döpel
*Robert E. Hopkins
*Robert E. Vardeman
*Robert Edward Bell
*Robert Emden
*Robert F. Beck
*Robert F. Christy
*Robert Fischell
*Robert G. Chambers
*Robert G. Greenler
*Robert G. Shulman
*Robert Geroch
*Robert Griffiths (physicist)
*Robert H. Dicke
*Robert H. Lieberman
*Robert H. Williams
*Robert Haynes
*Robert Herman
*Robert Hofstadter
*Robert Hooke
*Robert J. Birgeneau
*Robert J. Lang
*Robert J. Van de Graaff
*Robert Jaffe
*Robert K. Logan
*Robert Karplus
*Robert Kirby-Harris
*Robert Kraichnan
*Robert L. Byer
*Robert L. Forward
*Robert L. Hurt
*Robert L. Park
*Robert Leigh
*Robert Lin
*Robert Lyster Thornton
*Robert M. L. Baker, Jr.
*Robert Mallet
*Robert Marshak
*Robert Matthews (scientist)
*Robert Mills (physicist)
*Robert Morris Page
*Robert Myers (physicist)
*Robert Norman
*Robert Noyce
*Robert Ochsenfeld
*Robert P. Madden
*Robert Parr
*Robert Pohl
*Robert Pound
*Robert R. Shannon
*Robert R. Wilson
*Robert Resnick
*Robert Retherford
*Robert Rosner
*Robert Russell Newton
*Robert S. Mulliken
*Robert S. Shankland
*Robert Shaw (physicist)
*Robert Sproull
*Robert Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh
*Robert Thomas Jones (engineer)
*Robert T. Siegel
*Robert W. Bower
*Robert W. Boyd
*Robert W. Bussard
*Robert W. Wood
*Robert Wald
*Robert Were Fox the Younger
*Robert William Boyle
*Robert Woodrow Wilson
*Robert von Lieben
*Roberto Abraham
*Roberto Car
*Roberto Merlin
*Roberto Peccei
*Roberto Salmeron
*Roberval balance
*Robijn Bruinsma
*Robin Devenish
*Robinson oscillator
*Robinson–Dadson curves
*Robley C. Williams
*Robot kinematics
*Robotic telescope
*Roche limit
*Rochon prism
*Rock magnetism
*Rocket engine nozzle
*Rocket glider
*Rod C. Alferness
*Rod Crewther
*Rod Cross
*Roddam Narasimha
*Roderich Moessner
*Rodney Baxter
*Rodney Cotterill
*Rodney Jory
*Rodney Marks (astrophysicist)
*Rodney S. Ruoff
*Rodolfo Gambini
*Roe solver
*Roentgen (unit)
*Roentgen equivalent man
*Rogallo wing
*Roger Balian
*Roger Cashmore
*Roger Cowley
*Roger Jones (physicist and entrepreneur)
*Roger Penrose
*Roger Temam
*Rogue wave
*Roland Benz
*Roland Dobbs
*Roland Dobrushin
*Roland Hüttenrauch
*Roland Omnès
*Roland W. Schmitt
*Rolf-Dieter Heuer
*Rolf Hagedorn
*Rolf Landauer
*Rolf Maximilian Sievert
*Rolf Michel
*Rolf Widerøe
*Roll center
*Roll moment
*Rollin film
*Rolling ball argument
*Rolling cone motion
*Rolling resistance
*Roman Jackiw
*Roman Ulrich Sexl
*Roman pot
*Roman ring
*Ronald Collé
*Ronald Drever
*Ronald E. Cohen
*Ronald Ernest Aitchison
*Ronald F. Probstein
*Ronald Fedkiw
*Ronald Kantowski
*Ronald McNair
*Ronald N. Bracewell
*Ronald Rivlin
*Ronald W. Gurney
*Ronald W. Yeung
*Ronnie Bell
*Ronold W. P. King
*Room-temperature superconductor
*Room acoustics
*Room temperature
*Root-mean-square speed
*Roothaan equations
*Roper resonance
*Rosalind Franklin
*Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
*Rosemary Wyse
*Roshko number
*Ross H. McKenzie
*Rossby number
*Rossby wave
*Rossiter–McLaughlin effect
*Roswell Clifton Gibbs
*Rotating black hole
*Rotating furnace
*Rotating radio transient
*Rotating reference frame
*Rotating spheres
*Rotating tank
*Rotating wave approximation
*Rotation-powered pulsar
*Rotation around a fixed axis
*Rotation number
*Rotation operator (quantum mechanics)
*Rotational Brownian motion
*Rotational diffusion
*Rotational energy
*Rotational invariance
*Rotational motion
*Rotational speed
*Rotational temperature
*Rotational transition
*Rotational–vibrational coupling
*Rotor–stator interaction
*Rouse model
*Rouse number
*Route dependence
*Rovibrational coupling
*Rovibronic coupling
*Rowland ring
*Roy J. Glauber
*Roy Kerr
*Roy McWeeny
*Roy Sambles
*Roy Schwitters
*Royal Astronomical Society
*Ruark number
*Rubber elasticity
*Rubens' tube
*Rubidium standard
*Ruby Payne-Scott
*Ruby laser
*Rudder ratio
*Rudolf Clausius
*Rudolf Fleischmann
*Rudolf Grimm
*Rudolf Haag
*Rudolf Kingslake
*Rudolf Kohlrausch
*Rudolf Kompfner
*Rudolf Ladenburg
*Rudolf Luneburg
*Rudolf M. Tromp
*Rudolf Mössbauer
*Rudolf Peierls
*Rudolf Podgornik
*Rudolf Schulten
*Rudolf Seeliger
*Rudolf Tomaschek
*Rudolph Koenig
*Rudolph Schild
*Ruggero Santilli
*Rui-Ming Xu
*Rumble (noise)
*Runaway breakdown
*Rush D. Holt, Jr.
*Rushbrooke inequality
*Russell Alan Hulse
*Russell Stannard
*Russell Targ
*Russell–Einstein Manifesto
*Rustle noise
*Rutherford backscattering spectrometry
*Rutherford cable
*Rutherford model
*Rutherford scattering
*Rydberg atom
*Rydberg constant
*Rydberg formula
*Rydberg matter
*Rydberg molecule
*Rydberg state
*Rydberg–Klein–Rees method
*Rydberg–Ritz combination principle
*Ryogo Kubo
*Rytov number
*Rényi entropy
*Rømer's determination of the speed of light

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